ISSUE 169 ISSN 1712-468

Look to your health and if you have it, praise God and value it next to conscience, for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of—a blessing money can't buy..

Izaak Walton
English Biographer and Author

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Online Personal Style Indicator

Online Values
Preference Indicator

Online Self-Worth Inventory

Online Stress Indicator and Health Planner

For Consultants, Coaches, Trainers, Speakers, and HR Professionals. In this 3-day intensive workshop, you learn how to transform others by using CRG solutions and access a residual income model for your own business!

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October 18, 19, 20, 2012

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This Week's Inspiration

Are Wheat and Whole Grains Killing You?


Mixture of proteins not readily soluble in water that occurs in wheat and most other cereal grains. Its presence in flour makes production of leavened baked goods possible because the chainlike gluten molecules form an elastic network that traps carbon dioxide gas and expands with it. Gluten varies with its composition, which differs according to the source.

You bet wheat (grains) are killing you—according to Dr. William Davis, a medical doctor and author of the best-selling book, Wheat Belly. The path of destruction is deep and wide and global in every sense of the word. If wheat were a pathogen, it would be equivalent to a full-blown pandemic of the Ebola virus.

Before you refute that statement, let’s look at the facts. Obesity is now the number 1 (non-communicable) disease in the developed world.

  • 25% of Americans have Type II diabetes.
  • 39% of Americans are pre-diabetic.

We are serious when we state the health conditions of our nation are at epidemic levels.

That was not true 100 or even 50 years ago.

So how did we get this way? Several factors have created the perfect health storm. Here are some nutritional facts.

1. We changed our diet, starting in the late ‘60s and particularly in the ‘80s when experts—including the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute—made a decision to promote whole grains to replace fat and cholesterol in our diets.

There is a direct correlation to those recommendations and our increasing waistlines. Even the American Diabetic Association has it all wrong when they suggest that a person with diabetes should look to whole grains to manage the disease. That recommendation actually worsens the condition.

2. Today’s wheat, Triticum Aestivum, is not genetically the same as the wheat we were eating 100 or 1000 years ago and the changes are negatively affecting our health. The fact is that whole-wheat bread (glycemic index 72) increases blood sugar as much or more than table sugar or sucrose (glycemic index 59). The higher the GI number of the food, the quicker the increase in blood sugar.

Being hypoglycemic, I understand the impact GI has on blood sugar and health. High blood sugar has to do with weight gain and it has other effects.

I don’t have enough space in this short article to go into all the science. Here is the bottom line of all this investigation. In the book, The Smarter Science of Slim, author Jonathan Bailor documents years of scientific proof that simple carbohydrates—breads and sweets, not fats—are the culprits when it comes to weight gain, not to mention the health costs associated with eating them.

The extra weight around our bellies that is produced by high-carb wheat diets is called visceral fat. This nasty fat is linked to over a dozen lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes, stroke, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and numerous other conditions. In many cases, our illnesses were created indirectly by the wheat diet—not directly.

The protein gluten is being linked to numerous health conditions. A group of Dr. Davis’s patients were able to reverse their diabetic condition once they went off wheat completely—yes, they became non-diabetic. Other reported benefits included the disappearance of symptoms such as acid reflux and irritable bowel syndrome. And the patients had greater energy, better focus, and deeper sleep.

Wheat (barley and rye) has an inflammatory nature. When wheat was removed from the diet, the pain of rheumatoid arthritis lessened and disappeared. Asthma sufferers threw away their inhalers. Numerous skin rashes improved when wheat was ousted from the diet.

Even more insidious are the addictive properties of wheat where it produces endorphins, influences mood and behavior, and satisfies feelings of hunger. People can experience withdrawal when removing wheat from their diet.

Many other conditions are affected by the presence of wheat. Recent research is linking the biochemistry of wheat gluten to brain neuropathy and damage to the Purkinje cells in the cerebellum—and once damaged, those cells are gone forever. Research also suggests a relationship between wheat gluten and dementia.

But the chemistry causing those conditions is not just about gluten. Exorphins—the breakdown product of gluten—are implicated.

It might be difficult—after being brainwashed for years that multigrain bread is good for you—to stop eating it, but look around you. How’s it working so far, with over 34% of the population obese? Meals with high wheat-content and carbs are an integral part of the fare of the fast-food restaurants found on every street corner.

In the Action Steps, I outline recommendations on how to eat healthier and, more important, how to improve the quality of your life. Don’t wait. Act on it right now!


This is your personal invitation to join
the CRG community of Certified Trainers.

It’s October and the start of a new and exciting season.

We’re busy preparing for another CRG Assessment Systems Certification Workshop, scheduled for October 18, 19, and 20.

Participants of the training describe this event as “life changing.” Not only will you learn how to use our assessments and our development tools in innovative and more effective ways, you’ll experience transformational insights on a personal level. It happens as the training unfolds and you “go to depth” with each of the instruments.

Participants say they love the strong sense of community and synergy that develops through their shared learning experience. It’s a genuinely exhilarating 3-day event.

Why do more than 80% of professionals switch to CRG?

In case you’re new to CRG, it’s important to understand why more than 80% of HR, Career, and Training/Coaching professionals switch—from the “usual” assessments of MBTI, DiSC, True Colors, Kiersey, and so on—to CRG tools, once they have learned how to use them. Essentially, they say they prefer our tools because they are based on a multitheory model—and 33 years of research that is continually updated. Most other tools are based on the theories of Jung or Marston, published nearly a century ago.

Behavioral science has progressed tremendously over the past 100 years!

We help you find “the perfect fit” that produces greater work satisfaction and performance.

The assessments we offer are truly integrated and holistic. Virtually any recruitment, hiring, OD, or HR challenge can be addressed. For example, a Job Style Indicator (JSI) can be used to assess the Personal Style needed to succeed in a particular position. When the results of the JSI are compared to the results of the person’s Personal Style Indicator (PSI), the employee develops greater self-awareness and can set out on a clear path of self-improvement that leads to greater success.

While other instruments tend to be used in a mechanical fashion, CRG tools—including our flagship PSI—are more respectful of the individual. Rather than just placing people into 4 to 16 “boxes” as the others do, we address values and personal development. Professionals tell us that CRG adds “the human touch”!

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Heads-Up for the October Training

Dates:             October 18, 19, and 20, 2012

Location:        CRG Head Office, Abbotsford, BC Canada

Investment:   $1997* Includes $1200.00 worth of materials.

  • 2 or more people from the same organization receive a 25% discount and pay only $1497* each.
  • For groups of 5+, please call 604 852-0566 for special rates.

*Plus HST

Register Here

I’d love to see you in October!

Ken Keis


This Week's Action Steps

Are Wheat and Whole Grains Killing You?

  1. First, do you want to be healthier? If your answer is Yes, please read on.
  2. Great! You have made the decision to optimize your health. For many, that will require change, so please be committed to the results and benefits.
  3. Avoid all white processed grains from any source—bread, muffins, donuts, chips, and so on.
  4. Avoid all whole wheat—rye and barley—the gluten-producing grains, no matter the product.
  5. If you need a grain, steel-cut oats with flax seeds in limited amounts will work. In an Eastern diet, limited amounts of brown rice are permissible.
  6. Avoid all sugar-based products—soft drinks, candy, cake, cookies, sweets, and so on.
  7. Eat 8+ servings of low-starch vegetables each day.
  8. Eat 4 servings of fresh fruits or berries each day.
  9. Eat 30 grams of protein every 3-4 hours.
  10. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water or green tea each day. Only green tea can replace water.
  11. Sleep 7 to 9 hours each night.
  12. Consider completing the Stress Indicator and Health Planner to confirm your stress and health levels.
  13. Have fun! This is about a lifestyle change that can transform lives—your life and your family’s life!

Until next time, keep Living On Purpose.

Ken Keis


Certification Assessment Systems