ISSUE 114   ISSN 1712-468

Health is not valued till sickness comes.

Dr. Thomas Fuller
British Physician

1654 – 1734

My Source Experience - Journal

My Source


Secrets of Sucess Journal
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Online Personal Style Indicator

Online Stress Indicator and Health Planner

Online Values
Preference Indicator

Online Self-Worth Inventory

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This Week´s Inspiration
What Are Your Stress and Wellness Levels?
Will They Cause You to Die Young?


The condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit, especially freedom from physical disease or pain; the general condition of the body; general condition or state; a toast to someone's health or prosperity


A physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation; a state resulting from a stress, especially one of bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that tend to alter an existent equilibrium

News programs regularly reveal studies and research that give rise to grave concerns about our collective health.

In the Western world, our epidemic is obesity and low wellness levels—which are already becoming an issue in developing countries that have embraced Western food practices.

If you want to live healthier—and potentially longer—read on!

First, most of us must get out of denial about our overall health.

Just this week, a new study confirmed that next to smoking, obesity is now the number two cause of cancer. How did that happen? The study went on to suggest that unless current trends are quickly reversed, obesity and our low wellness levels will surpass smoking as the number one cause of cancer.

The obesity trend is so profound, our entire societal infrastructure is being challenged.

Flying to Texas last week to present at a conference, I sat beside a person who weighed about 400 pounds (180 kg). After being squashed by the spreading girth of this man for 4 hours, I could not wait to depart the aircraft.

I’m not being insensitive. That gentleman needed two seats. The airlines can make their seats larger, but who will pay for the reduced person-load? We all will.

My topic is not discrimination. I am offering a reality check about our health. It is now projected that because of our overweight and inactive society, Type II Diabetes could be present in over 50% of the adult population by 2020. The health complications from that one condition are horrendous.

Even more disturbing is the way many parents are slowly killing their kids with the food they are feeding them. Poor health practices and ongoing lifestyle choices are established when kids are young. They can carve decades from their adult lives— yes decades, not years!

There are no excuses for parents to continue feeding their children fast and unhealthy foods! Supported by our education minister, the provincial government recently passed a law banning junk-food vending machines in schools and junk food as part of the school cafeteria program. At last, some common sense is being applied to our kids’ health!

Given current lifestyles and health trends, no amount of money in any country can sustain a health-care system.

But we really don’t have a health-care system. We have a sick-care system. Most medical practitioners don’t understand or implement a preventive health-care model. We are busy treating the outcome of careless lifestyles.

Our poor health and high stress levels are largely self-inflicted. To win this battle, we must break free from some societal norms and beliefs.

Each person must take personal responsibility for his or her health and wellness levels!

I agree with many observers that the health-care agenda is highly influenced by pharmaceutical companies and their powerful lobbies. The answer in most cases should not be to introduce another drug into our health-care system. The get-me-a-pill mindset is contributing to our demise.

Every element of your life and lifestyle is influencing (positively or negatively) your stress and wellness levels.

Your stress levels manifest themselves—physically, psychologically, or behaviorally—in your body and your life, from chest pains to difficulty in making decisions.

Getting a handle on your current condition requires you to assess and benchmark your current levels of stress in several different areas of your life.


Why Change?

Before I list remedial strategies in the Action Steps, are you willing to make the commitment to change?

  • What are your reasons for taking action?
  • What would it mean to you, if you successfully improved your wellness and health levels?

If you have no real reasons to change, forget about being able to succeed in a health-improvement plan.

Your wellness picture is a result of the combination of many facets of your life, to produce your overall level of health. Contrary to the public’s desire to have a quick fix or magic in a pill bottle, improving your wellness requires a comprehensive approach.

Unfortunately, many people get overwhelmed at the complexity of the effort they think is required to improve their health. They simply quit before they even get started.

To address that issue, many years ago CRG developed the Stress Indicator and Health Planner.

  • In this recently updated 24-page stress assessment and heath planner, you respond to 120 wellness-related questions in 5 specific sections.
  • Your results become a simple yet powerful roadmap to help you understand your stress levels in each section and help you proactively plan your steps to improving your health.

The five Assessment Sections of theStress Indicator and Health Planner

  1. Personal Distress Assessment
  2. Interpersonal Stress Assessment
  3. Wellness Assessment
    1. Nutritional Assessment
    2. Health Assessment
  4. Time-Stress Assessment
  5. Occupational Stress Assessment

The Action Steps below provide a summary of recommended steps to reduce your stress and improve your overall wellness.

Action Steps

What Are Your Stress and Wellness Levels?
Will They Cause You to Die Young?

  1. Are you happy with your overall stress and health levels? If not, what do you need to improve?
  1. What are your reasons and personal benefits for taking action on this item? List them now.
  1. You must take personal responsibility for your levels of stress and wellness. Blaming others is dysfunctional—and it surrenders the power of your life to others.
  1. Using the Stress Indicator and Health Planner, establish your stress levels in these five critical areas: Personal Distress, Interpersonal Stress, Wellness, Time-Stress, and Occupational Stress.
  1. Based on your assessment results, establish 3 to 5 strategies that you can immediately implement.
  1. One of these Action Steps must be that we each get off our butt and exercise. There is no replacement for this step.
  1. Change takes commitment. Find a friend to hold you accountable to your wellness plan.
  1. Set up your environment for success. As Dr. Phil would say, Is it working for you? Get all the junk food out of your house. Why tempt yourself with handy candies and treats?
  1. If you have kids, don’t give in to the pressure to get them high-sugar foods. The fact is that you are killing your kids with treats and kindness.
  1. Don't buy into the lie that pills and drugs are the answer. Remember, we have a sick-care system not a health-care system. And until our system shifts to a preventive model, do your own personal research and come up with your own informed decisions.
  1. Stress is manifested by many factors, including how fulfilled and on purpose you are in life. I am recommending the following CRG resources to assist you in your journey.

    My Source EXPERIENCE Journal™ will give you the roadmap and processes to confirm what is most important to you in all areas of your life.

    I also recommend . . .
  1. In the end, only you can determine if your health, wellness, and a longer, more active, and fulfilling life are worth your close attention!

Until next time, keep Living On Purpose!.

Ken Keis

For information on CRG Resources, please visit