V o l u m e  1 :  N u m b e r  4 

Good Habits—Great Health
by Nico Human

The arrival of Spring heralds a new beginning.

In British Columbia we are seeing nature awaken. Buds are sprouting; the first bulbs are blooming; the sun has decided to make a more regular appearance. And people seem more optimistic.

Back East—places like Toronto or New York, the outlook is not yet as rosy. The evening news shows pictures of people stuck in record snowfalls. We see their traffic pileups and other woes. Spring is late this year in those parts, but the outlook in the East should improve before long.

During the dreary months, regular visits to the local rec center can combat the Winter blues. Exercise and a healthy lifestyle stimulate the human body to produce more endorphins—nature’s “happiness drug.” We can feel so much better and live a much healthier life if we spend some quality time in the gymnasium!

We all have our personal style preferences and are creatures of habit.
We can use those two areas to improve our time on this planet!

This simple recipe has worked for me.

Step 1: Understand yourself.

You need to know what makes you tick. A tool like the Personal Style Indicator (PSI) will point you in the right direction.

If you are, like me, a “high B”—high in behavioral or action tendencies, you will learn from the PSI that your personal style likes to achieve goals. You can use that knowledge to focus on a long-term fitness goal.

I did just that. I gave myself 1 year to prepare for my first triathlon. My inspiration came from the story of Dick and Rick Hoyt (check it out here). If an overweight father—pushing or pulling his adult disabled—can do it and, in the process, save his own life, so can I.
There was just one flaw in my goal to participate in a triathlon—which consists of running, biking, and swimming. I could not swim the length of the pool! Luckily, “high Bs” do first and think about it later! Once I had made my commitment and announced my intent to everyone (I am also “high A”—the affective or expressive tendency), I had to enrol for Saturday morning swim lessons in the local pool with the fifth graders.

We were taught by two giggly teenage girls. Let me tell you that this lone guy received a lot of attention . . . and lots of extra instruction from his young teachers! My classmates were great—like little dolphins showing off their new-found skills around a big whale. But I had my eye on the bigger —the triathlon just 12 months away.

Not everyone is high in behavioral and affective style tendencies.

  • You may be “high C”—with a cognitive or analytical tendency. Perhaps you will want to use the strength of your personal style to research the physical activities that will best suit your lifestyle. You may want to create a low-stress climate where you can train.
  • Or you may be a “high I”—the interpersonal or harmonious tendency. If that is the case, you may want to train in a group or with a friend. Or you may want to use your training to help a friend overcome a hardship.

The important thing is that we all should use our own personal style tendencies to set us on the path to success.

Step 2: Assess your personal stress and health.

The Stress Indicator and Health Planner will help you design a plan to increase your overall health and wellness levels. If you have health issues, do involve your personal physician in your plan.

With your long-term goal set and your personal wellness plan in place, you are ready for the final step.

Step 3: Cultivate good habits.

We need to exercise regularly, according to our own abilities. When we make exercise a positive habit, it becomes easier.

A regular early-morning regime works for my wife and me, much like brushing our teeth. When we awake, our bodies tell us it’s time to get to the gym or swimming pool. Our two dogs wait at the door to accompany us in the car. Because the routine is set, the opportunity for success is high. We go 6 days a week, alternating our gym training and our swimming.

All it took was 21 days of consecutive repetition to establish this routine. The rest followed without drama. I dropped nearly 30 pounds. We both now routinely participate in triathlons (I have completed seven to date) . . . and we have quality family time together, training and competing. Even our grown kids are participating!

That may sound like an ideal situation and, in many respects, it is.

With buds and blooms arrives an influx of people to the gym who have procrastinated during the dark months. I have been there, so I can sympathize, but it’s  tough to see them struggling. Their intent is pure; their mission to improve their bodies noble. We offer them words of encouragement and advice.

Those newbies need to create good habits so they can visit their rec center all Winter long. They will become like chiseled cheetahs!

Perhaps, this Spring, you want to improve your state of wellness, too.

Every time you see new growth in nature, think of how you can use this 3-step program to improve various areas of your own life.

You might just amaze yourself.


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We trust you enjoy receiving this monthly newsletter. My approach is to keep it short and hopefully interesting. You are most welcome to forward these newsletters to your prospects and clients.

Please contact me or any other member of the CRG team, as needed.

Your comments and inputs are always welcome.

Have a great month!´

Nico Human, Director of Marketing
CRG, Consulting Resource Group International, Inc.

604 852-0566   fax 604 850-3003
PO Box 418 Main, Abbotsford, BC  V2T 6Z7  Canada
PO Box 8000 PMB#386, Sumas, WA  98295-8000  USA


CRG Vision

Our vision is to be the number one resource in the world for enriching people´s livesby empowering them to live on purpose both personally and professionally.


CRG Mission

We empower people to live on purpose in their personal and professional lives.


CRG Values

  • Competence
  • Spirituality
  • Purpose
  • Professionalism
  • Quality
  • Loyalty
  • Engagement (Being fully engaged)
  • Respect/Honor


Our Family of Assessments

Personal Style Indicator

Quick Style Indicator

Values Preference Indicator

Self-Worth Inventory

Stress Indicator and Health Planner

Entrepreneurial Style and Success Indicator

Sales Style Indicator

Job Style Indicator

Learning Style Indicator

Instructional Style Indicator

Leadership Skills InventorySelf

Leadership Skills InventoryOthers


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